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Words of Gratitude: Discover How We’ve Made a Difference

 “I found Positivity with Purpose TM incredibly interesting and helpful. I have been trying to make a conscious effort to make mindfulness a part of my everyday routine. Since I have been doing this, I find that I am more levelheaded, calmer, and more present.”

"I'm going to start off by saying that this program has made me the person that I wanted to be. Before I went through Positivity with Purpose TM, I struggled with mental and social balance, I could not work on one task without worrying about another, and I never thought of myself as important. Thankfully, Positivity with Purpose TM was there to help me. They taught me how to be motivated, not only in my school life, but be comfortable to open my social life. They showed me step-by-step on how to be happier with my everyday life and reward myself for the work I did. I also learned how to manage my time, while integrating meditation into my workday, which greatly increased my productivity. Overall, this program has helped me organize my work-life in a way that has let me take control of my personal life."

“From Positivity with Purpose TM, I was truly surprised what I got out of it. Since the program started, it has been a rough couple of weeks, but it helped me learn I need to take time for myself and be kind to others and patient. Because of Positivity with Purpose TM, I was able to find the motivation to get back into two of my old hobbies I used to love doing but convinced myself that I didn’t have time for them. I learned that there are different stages of becoming a better person for yourself and everyone is in a different stage. I was able to identify where I am at and plan on using the methods I learned to become a better person and not sacrifice my needs for the needs of others too much.”


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